The Spirit Carries On

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:54 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Dream Theater

Tabbed by



1st → Solo SustainSim
2nd → Percussion
3rd → Acoustic Guitar
4th → Wah Guitar
5th → Distortion Guitar
6th → Keys
7th → Solo Guitar
8th → Bass
9th → Vocals
10th → Victoria's Wail
11th → Backing Vocals

File Size

103 KB




Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die? What lies be-yond and what lay be-fore? Is an-y-thing cer-tain in life? They say life is too short, the "here" and the "now" and you're on-ly giv-en one shot But could there be more? Have I lived be-fore, or could this be all that we've got? If I died to-mor-row I'd be al-right be-cause I be-lieve that af-ter were gone the spir-it car-ries on. I used to be fright-ened of dy-ing. I used to think death was the end. But that was be-fore I'm not scared an-y-more I know that my soul will tran-scend. I may nev-er find all the an-swers. I may nev-er un-der-stand why. I may nev-er prove what I know to be true but I know that I still have to try. If I died to-mor-row I'd be al-right be-cause I be-lieve that af-ter we're gone the spir-it car-ries on. "Move on! Be brave! Don't weep at my grave be-cause I am no long-er here. But please nev-er let Your mem-'ry of me dis-ap-pear. Safe in the light that sur-rounds me... Free of the fear and the pain... My ques-tion-ing mind has helped me to find the mean-ing in my life a-gain. Vic-tor-i-a's real! I fin-al-ly feel at peace with the girl in my dreams. And now that I'm here It's per-fect-ly clear. I've found out what all of this means If I died to-mor-row I'd be al-right be-cause I be-lieve that af-ter we're gone the spir-it car-ries on!


Modified from Tesserex